Imperium’s Roadmap (3) — Technical Roadmap

By akohad Oct14,2022


A startup’s technical roadmap is as important as its business roadmap, as the former serves as the foundation for the latter. And a project without a solid foundation will not go anywhere far.

So, without further addue, let us dive right into the subject and see which are Imperium’s milestones in terms of technical development.

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Metamask Integration

Metamask is the world’s leading non-custodial wallet for ETH and ETH-based tokens. It has seen a 1800% increase in just one year, and in August 2021 it surpassed 10 million monthly active users.

As the LEX token will be ETH-native, being built on the ERC-20 standard, it is only natural to integrate Metamask into the Imperium platform. Its implementation will allow users to create an Imperium account using their own wallet, to buy and sell LEX tokens on the platform and to invest and cash out in Imperium’s indices.

Although a Metamask wallet will not be mandatory to create an account, this integration is a key point in the company’s technical development, as users will have a fast and straightforward way to onboard onto the platform, thus Imperium benefiting from Metamask’s widespread adoption.

Investment Simulator — Full Data Integration

At the time of writing this article, CoinMarketCap’s Market Data API has been integrated into the Investment Simulator, to feed it with daily updated price data. Thus, users can now run investment scenarios starting from April 1, 2021, up until the present moment.

The simulation interval will extend soon with the integration of even more historical data, allowing users to run scenarios of the period before the ICO fever back in 2017.

Other Major Website Updates

Imperium is planning major further updates on its website, bringing a design “facelift” and some structural modifications, new features to its dashboard (such as customization options and social login) and new individual pages for each index, containing specific analytics in the form of graphs, charts, and tables and simulation option.

Multiple Wallets Integration

Prior to the official launch of the Indices and of the LEX token, Imperium will further integrate multiple crypto wallets into its platform to facilitate onboarding of as many crypto users and make investing, buying and selling available for everyone.

Here is a selection of some of them:


WalletConnect is an open protocol enabling wallets and dApps to securely connect and interact.

Although it is not itself a wallet, it is a standard in crypto, allowing an app to get easily interconnected with hundred others, without the need of separate integrations for each and every one.

With more than 1 billion connections being made daily between 170+ wallets and 450+ dApps, WalletConnect is a must-have integration that will enable Imperium platform to connect with most of the relevant wallets on the market.

Trust Wallet

Owned by Binance, Trust Wallet is maybe the best crypto wallet for mobile, with built-in support for dApps and NFTs, supporting a vast range of coins and tokens and with a clean, easy to use interface.

Furthermore, its integration with Binance DEX lets users buy large numbers of tokens with a debit or credit card.

There are some of the reasons why we will integrate Trust Wallet directly into Imperium’s platform.


TronLink is one of the most well-rounded wallets on Tron, being fully compatible with all tokens on the blockchain, including TRX, TRC-10 and TRC-20 tokens.

It’s simple & user-friendly interface and multiple convenient features made TronLink the wallet of choice for more than 10 million users (about half the population of New York) on the Tron blockchain.

Part of Imperium’s multi-chain growth strategy, we will integrate TronLink as it is one of the most robust and popular Tron wallets.

Coinbase Wallet

Coinbase Wallet it is an intuitive and highly secure wallet backed by a well-known exchange.

It is ideal for beginners with little to no experience with crypto as it connects to most major bank accounts, supports thousands of cryptos, and the user interface was designed to be intuitive and easy to navigate.

This makes a Coinbase Wallet integration an ideal addition to Imperium’s platform as it will allow a lot of crypto newbies to onboard. Wallet Wallet is a great for DeFi users because of its variety of decentralized finance tools, excellent onboarding process and strong security framework.

Including one-to-one crypto swaps and a wide range of tools for investors to earn passive income on the crypto they already own, attracted over 50 million users (about twice the population of Texas), making it useful to integrate with the Imperium ecosystem.

Ethereum NFT Smart Contract

As you may know, after investing in Imperium Indices, users will be issued a custom NFT that constitutes their proof of ownership of the underlying assets.

This is employed as a second layer of security, besides the KYC/AML verification, for supplementarily safeguarding investors’ assets, but also as a solution for an easier investment process to non-crypto users.

These NFTs are transferable, inheritable, and vendable, and offer the holder the possibility to cash out the investment behind it.

Just like LEX, the NFTs themselves will also follow a multi-chain strategy, and Imperium will start minting them on Ethereum first, as the “prince” of all blockchains and “king” of altcoins.

Thus, the NFT Smart Contract will be developed on the ERC-721 standard, allowing users to benefit from its widespread availability.

Digital Asset Custodian Partnership

Custodians are specialized financial institutions responsible for providing securities services, safeguarding assets of asset managers, insurance companies, hedge funds etc.

They are a must-have for any financial services provider as it assures clients of the security of their funds. In the hands of only few unspecialized people in the top management they would be at risk from multiple points of view, being exposed to theft, hacks and other security issues.

Sealing a deal and integrating such a third party is paramount for the company, as Imperium always put security and compliance first, before taking any steps in addressing to the public.

Our custodial provider will be a first-class service company and will integrate seamlessly with Imperium’s infrastructure, ensuring that it will always function, without problems or delays, and that funds are #safu.

Infrastructure Testing

The “testnet” of Imperium’s infrastructure is live.

All systems are put in place to test them 360 degrees, before the launch.

After the integration of data providers, servers, asset custodians, smart contracts and exchanges with Imperium’s platform and its SLR Algorithm, all operations between these components must be tested to identify potential bugs, flaws and weaknesses.

Also, the infrastructure must undergo a stress test to assess if it can support a lot of requests and transactions at the same time, as many users will use the service simultaneously when Imperium will go live.

This process is vital since a single point of failure in the design, configuration, or implementation of a system or one of its components could lead to the entire system to stop working or malfunction.

The complex ecosystem must also be tested and optimized for usability, to ensure that it is fast and easy to use and that its elements communicate and work together in a seamless manner.

LEX Token Smart Contract Audit

A world-class specialized smart contract auditor is employed to assess the security of Imperium’s smart contracts, ensuring we are in tune with best practices in the field and compliant with any legal requirements in place.

Any found bugs or vulnerabilities are fixed as the blockchain infrastructure must be perfect upon launch to avoid any exploits or hacks.

Imperium Launch — Infrastructure operating at full capacity

As all the possible flaws are solved in the testing phase, Imperium’s launch should undergo without any hiccups.

Of course, there’s always room for error, as nothing in life is 100% sure.

But we will take care of 99,99% of the issues that might occur before the launch, as we want to offer a close-to-perfect experience since the beginning and allow users to enjoy Imperium’s much anticipated launch.

Our technical team will be following closely the process to ensure everything goes as planned and operates optimally.

Multisig Wallets Implementation

A multisig (or multisignature) wallet is a digital wallet that operates with multisignature addresses. This means that it requires more than one private key to sign and authorize a crypto transaction.

Being as well necessary in the financial sector, this system will be put in place as an additional layer of security guarding all high-value transactions.

This measure will further induce trust between users and will make Imperium Indices an attractive investment option also for institutional investors.

Decentralized hosting integration

A decentralized hosting provider is integrated into the ecosystem and some of the servers are migrated to the new host in order to raise the levels of both security and decentralization of Imperium’s platform.

Although we are supporting regulation in the space, we believe that crypto should remain trustless and therefore we will always seek and adopt decentralized solutions if they are complying with our security standards.

Multi-Chain Development of Smart Contracts

LEX Token and Imperium NFTs will follow a multi-chain strategy, to benefit from each blockchain advantages, be it scalability, speed, user base or other factors.

The smart contracts for LEX and Imperium NFTs will undergo deployment on most of the EVM-compatible blockchains, to make Imperium’s products chain agnostic for increased scalability and usability.

Below we are listing the timeline of the deployments and the reasons we choose each chain.

LEX & NFT Smart Contracts Deployment on TRON

Tron was built to help bring in a decentralized Internet. It was originally designed to eliminate the middleman in the entertainment industry and allow content creators to sell their work directly to consumers, giving them total ownership.

Thus, the blockchain primarily hosts entertainment applications. In 2018, the non-profit development company behind Tron, the Tron Foundation, acquired peer-to-peer content sharing platform BitTorrent.

But there are signs that TRON and Ethereum are becoming competitors for the business of cryptocurrency traders, as they turn to the former for its low fees and high transaction speeds.

With over 114 million accounts and 3.9 billion processed transactions, TRON is the world’s fastest-growing public chain, seeing a lot of development in the latest years.

LEX & NFT Smart Contracts Deployment on BSC

BNB Smart Chain (BSC) launched in September 2020, about a year and a half after the launch of its older sibling Binance Chain (BC). It is a smart contract platform mimicking the functionality of Ethereum and other dApp platforms such as Tron and EOS.

As Binance gained popularity, so did BSC, as it was formed around the time the DeFi movement was also taking off. Besides being one of the main blockchains in the infrastructure of the world’s biggest cryptocurrency exchange, BSC also grew as many dApps were built and launched on top of the EVM-compatible blockchain.

Besides being EVM-compatible, BSC advantages are transaction speed (blocks are generated every 3 seconds), low gas fees, cross-chain compatibility and credibility, being backed by Binance.

LEX & NFT Smart Contracts Deployment on FTM

Fantom is a permissionless EVM-compatible smart contract platform that utilizes a unique proof of stake (PoS) consensus mechanism called “asynchronous Byzantine Fault Tolerant” (aBFT). This maintains the network’s efficiency and aims to maximize speed and ensure high security at a lower cost, making it highly scalable.

Fantom network only takes about 1–2 seconds to validate transactions, while its 3.5 million unique addresses having processed so far almost 400 million transactions in little over two years.

LEX & NFT Smart Contracts Deployment on Polygon

Polygon is a decentralized Ethereum scaling platform enabling the creation of scalable dApps with low transaction fees, without sacrificing on security.

The network addresses Ethereum’s challenges by handling transactions on a separate Ethereum-compatible blockchain, returning transactions to the main chain post-processing. This approach lowers the network load on Ethereum. In doing so, Polygon can speed up transactions and lower transaction costs to less than a cent.

Its over 135 million unique addresses generated 1.8 billion transactions saving an average of $140 million in gas daily.

Its scalable and low-fee infrastructure encouraged a lot of developers, as more than 19.000 dApps have used Polygon to scale their performance.

LEX & NFT Smart Contracts Deployment on Solana

Solana is a public, open-source blockchain that supports smart contracts, including non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and a variety of decentralized applications (dApps). It is much faster in terms of the number of transactions it can process and has significantly lower transaction fees than rival blockchains like Ethereum.

Operating on both a proof-of-history (PoH) and proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus model, the network has processed over 100 billion transactions at an average cost of $0.00025 per transaction, as of September 2022.

Additional EVM-compatible blockchains integration

Imperium will further develop smart contracts on other EVM-compatible blockchains, in order to make LEX and Imperium NFTs seamlessly tradeable and transferable across as many chains as possible.

Imperium Mobile App

Investing in Imperium will become as easy as checking your emails on your smartphone with Imperium’s Mobile App.

Further developing its infrastructure, the mobile app will be able to connect with multiple crypto wallet providers.

With just a few taps, you will be able to invest in the world’s top cryptocurrencies or cash out from your investments. Also, you will be able to buy/sell $LEX, put it to stake or transfer it to another wallet.

It will feature all the important functionalities of Imperium’s web platform and additional ones, thus making it even easier for users to onboard, invest, trade, transfer and manage their portfolio on the go.


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By akohad

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