CSC School: Mechanism-2 #3

By akohad Dec28,2022


In previous part we talked about core of coinex smart chain. now we know CSC working system and its features. but we must know what are going in vessel.we need to know about some terms first.

An object containing an address, balance, nonce, and optional storage and code. An account can be a contract account or an externally owned account (EOA).

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Most generally, this represents an EOA or contract that can receive (destination address) or send (source address) transactions on the blockchain. More specifically, it is the rightmost 160 bits of a Keccak hash of an ECDSA public key.

Software that holds private keys. Used to access and control CSC accounts and interact with smart contracts. Keys need not be stored in a wallet, and can instead be retrieved from offline storage (i.e. a memory card or paper) for improved security. Despite the name, wallets never store the actual coins or tokens.

Data committed to the CSC Blockchain signed by an originating account, targeting a specific address. The transaction contains metadata such as the gas limit for that transaction.

basically , a transcation has these important parts:

  1. Nounce
  2. Receiver
  3. gasLimit
  4. gasPrice
  5. Value
  6. data

A fee you need to pay whenever you use the CSC network. Examples include sending funds from your wallet or a dapp interaction, like swapping tokens or buying a collectable. You can think of this like a service charge. This fee will change based on how busy the network is. This is because validators, the people responsible for processing your transaction, are likely to prioritize transactions with higher fees — so congestion forces the price up.

The ability of a network to mediate transactions without any of the involved parties needing to trust a third party.

A block is a bundled unit of information that include an ordered list of transactions and consensus-related information. Blocks are proposed by proof-of-stake validators, at which point they are shared across the entire peer-to-peer network, where they can easily be independently verified by all other nodes. Consensus rules govern what contents of a block are considered valid, and any invalid blocks are disregarded by the network. The ordering of these blocks and the transactions therein create a deterministic chain of events with the end representing the current state of the network.The process of transmitting a confirmed block to all other nodes in the network is block propagation

The block header is a collection of metadata about a block and a summary of the transactions included in the execution payload.

The states that a block can exist in. The possible states include:

  • proposed: the block was proposed by a validator
  • scheduled: validators are currently submitting data
  • missed/skipped: the proposer did not propose a block within the eligible time frame.
  • orphaned: the block was reorg’d out by the fork choice algorithm

for first step we need to install a wallet you know , wallet is a Software that holds private keys. Used to access and control CSC accounts and interact with smart contracts.

when you are reading this part maybe you are using a web browser.fortunately there is good web wallet called Metamask. you can download Metamask for your browser from Metamask official website:

when you open Metamask for first time you see something looks like image bellow:

when you click o “Get started” button you will go to terms and condition page for privacy policy:

if you want to use Metamask you must be agree with terms so click on “I agree” button.

if you already have a wallet you can click on “Import wallet” and Enter your Seed Phrase:

but if you are new in crypto and this is your first time to use a wallet just need to click on “Create a wallet”:

choose a strong password and be agree with terms of use.Congratulation! you have created your Crypto wallet successfully!

now you see something like this:

Metamask doesn’t contain coinex smart chain by defualt, we need to add it manually or automatically.

to adding CSC manually , go to Setting > Networks > Add a network and click on “Add a network manually” at the bottom of page:

now we need to enter CSC network information according to CSC official document:

to add CSC network automatically, we use Chainlist:

just search CSC in “Search Networks” and then click on “Connect Wallet” it will add coinex smart chain RPC node in Metamask.

we have created our wallet and now it’s time to create a transaction on CSC. but we need to know what is a transaction and how does it works? for this one we use MyCrypto.

We want to sign a message with our keys.i entered “Hello World!” to sign.when i click on “Sign Message” it will ask from Metamask to sign this message with your private key.

then it will produce a signature looks like this:

By use of cryptography now we can verify this message. when i put my signature in message box it will verify my identity:

for final step we broadcast our signed transaction to network.when you click on “Send” in Metamask your transaction goes this way:

Metamask as a client broadcast your transaction to network by sending your transaction data to RPC nodes. if your transaction is valid , it will be added to coinex smart chain blockchain.

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By akohad

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