What is a Blockchain?

By akohad Mar21,2023


What is Cryptographic Hashing?

What is a Node?

What is a Blockchain used for?

Source: Image by Victor at picjumbo
  • Supply Chain Management: Blockchain technology can be used to create an immutable and transparent record of the movement of goods through a supply chain. This can be used to improve transparency and traceability, reduce the risk of fraud, and improve the efficiency of supply chain operations.‍
  • Digital Identity: Blockchain technology can be used to create a secure and decentralized system for storing and managing personal identification information. This can be used to improve the security and privacy of personal information and make it easier for individuals to control and manage their own digital identity.‍
  • Voting Systems: Blockchain technology can be used to create a secure and transparent system for conducting online voting.‍
  • Real Estate: Blockchain technology can be used to create a secure and transparent record of property ownership and transactions.‍
  • Healthcare: Blockchain technology can be used to create a secure and transparent system for storing and sharing electronic health records.‍
  • Gaming: This is a particularly interesting one, and perhaps worthy of a whole article by itself. Not only can blockchain be used to store and transfer game data, but we can also use NFT’s to store on-chain rewards, purchases, and gifts within the games!‍
  • Music and Media: Blockchain technology can be used to create a secure and transparent system for tracking and managing the rights and royalties associated with music and other media. This can be used to ensure that artists and creators are fairly compensated for their work and to make it easier for consumers to access and purchase music and other media.‍


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By akohad

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