What did we learn in 2022 in the crypto world?

By akohad Dec27,2022


22 December 2022 — Gamefi Update

Good Day Everyone!

The year is coming to an end; it’s time for us to review our main mistakes to avoid repeating them in the future.
Let’s start with the fact that we made many mistakes this year that cost us a lot of disappointments and money.
On the other hand, it was a year in which we learned the most, and there was a lot of big news.

Photo by Choong Deng Xiang on Unsplash

1.Invest in the games you love and play

Almost all the games drop hard this year,
If we’re being honest, a lot of them weren’t good games, and we invested in some of them because of the hype created in 2021, and every project grew like crazy.
We realized that we must be more selective.
Today only a tiny part of the projects will survive the crypto winter.

The same thing happened in other crypto projects.
Protocols with excellent, innovative technologies fell by 90%+.

Polkadot, Flow, and Near broke through the tops back in 2021, and now they have reset ten times.

2. Even the biggest ones can go bankrupt

After the collapse of LUNA, FTX, and 3AC, no project in the crypto market can be considered reliable. Any crypto investment is risky, even if you hold USDT or keep funds on the most reliable crypto exchange.

Another important thing — “not your keys not your coins”

3.Smart Money” not so smart

The largest funds and manipulators turned out to be ordinary greedy “hamsters” with big capital and insider information. But even this did not help Alameda, Terra, FTX, 3AC, and others avoid bankruptcy. In the future, we will not invest in projects just because of the big names.

Photo by Jie Wang on Unsplash

4.Don’t try to catch the bottom

WoW, How many times have we tried to catch the bottom this year?
Each time we just lost our money.
So we are back to the first rule, invest in what you like or play.

Photo by Hassan OUAJBIR on Unsplash


  1. Daily Volume $1,127,093 (-35%)
  2. Daily Transactions 22,341,432 (-5.5%)
  3. Daily Number of Gamers 849,290 (-4.7%)

● Update Time: UTC+8 ● Overall overview of GameFi: User Transactions, Game Rankings and GameFi Project Funding by Chains.

Source :Footprint Analytics

NFT Price Floor for today (last 24h)

Top 10 Nft’s by Market Cap

Our Source :nftpricefloor.com

Top 10 Nft’s by Market Cap

Crypto market news

Brazilian President Signs Off on National Crypto Rules. Source

Avalanche upgrades to ‘Banff 5’ to introduce direct communication between subnets: Exclusive . Source

SBF sent home after his parents put up their house to cover his astronomical bail bond. Source

Final Notes

That’s all for today. Write to us what you think happened interestingly today and we didn’t know.

Follow us on Twitter.

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By akohad

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