Top 10 Programming Languages you can Learn for Blockchain Development.

By akohad Oct7,2022


Since the use of Blockchain in implementing the first digital currency, there has been ever-growing demand for developers who can create applications and solutions across different use cases and fields such as banking, finance, logistics, and so on.

Some programming languages you can learn for blockchain development include Solidity, C++, Java, Python, Javascript, etc.

It doesn’t matter which one you learn first, but you must understand the industry and the projects that interest you to guide you in making a choice.

Learning a programming language for blockchain applications does not only add a new feather to your cap as a developer. It is a mark of an upgrade from Web 2 to becoming a Web 3 developer. Blockchain is the technology that powers the new revolution collectively known as Web 3.0, where you defy limitations and recreate realities. Since the use of Blockchain in implementing the first digital currency, Bitcoin, and the subsequent wide acceptance, there has been ever-growing demand for developers who can create applications and solutions across different use cases and fields such as banking, finance, logistics, and so on.

If you are starting on your journey to be a blockchain developer or you want to transition from Web 2.0 development, here is a curated list of top 10 programming languages to give you a head start:

The explosive growth of the Ethereum blockchain and its products, Defi and Dapps, contributed to the popularity of Solidity as its native language. Solidity is a programming language with statically typed curly braces used to create smart contracts that run on the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). Vitalik Buterin, the Ethereum developer, is the smart brain behind the development of Solidity, which is influenced by Java, C++, and PowerShell and proposed by Gavin Wood in 2014. The similarity of Solidity to the ECMAScript syntax (one of the core languages for web applications) makes it relatively easy to pick up. Hence, Solidity is an excellent language to learn if you want to specialize in Blockchain development. Examples of Solidity projects include Ethereum, Avalanche, Tron, Binance Smart Chain, etc.

C++ is the language that brought the first-ever implementation of Blockchain, Bitcoin, into existence. The object-oriented feature of C++ allows it to methodically bind pieces of data and also makes it appropriate for blockchain development. Learning C++ provides you with a high-level programming language skill often used in game development, creation of wallets, automation of miners and user interactions, etc. Examples of blockchain projects that use C++ are Bitcoin, Monero, Rippled, Wallet-Core, and so on.

Java is also used to frame some of the most prominent Blockchain Programming, such as Ethereum, Hyperledger Fabric, IOTA, NEO, and others. The portability of Java is a feature that is particularly useful in Blockchain. Because of its WORA (“write once, run anywhere”) functionality, Java programs can be ported across platforms. These programs do not rely on system-specific architecture because they run on the universal JVM (Java Virtual Machine). This portability, combined with Java’s other well-known features, makes it ideal for Blockchain. Java-based blockchain projects include BitcoinJ, FundRequest, Corda, and Pantheon. If all you know is Java, you can try Corda, which illustrates how you can get started with your first blockchain application.

Python is excellent for building a blockchain because it is easier to learn and use than most programming languages. Furthermore, Python includes several third-party packages that can assist users in accessing your Blockchain via an API or web application. If you are a new developer with Python experience, it may be your best Blockchain language. One issue with Python is that it is an interpreted language, which causes problems with complex cryptographic operations in Blockchain. On the other hand, Python is an object-oriented language that aids in the management of many of its performance-related overheads. Also, Python allows you as a developer to quickly prototype your ideas without the need for lengthy coding. Python also has a sizeable open-source community, making it ideal for Blockchain. Some python-based blockchain projects are Chia blockchain, Doge-chia, Sonar-Qube, etc.

JavaScript has been the predominant web language, and because of NodeJS, a JavaScript runtime environment, it is also popular among Blockchain developers. Because JavaScript is already installed on most systems, they can create competent and creative Blockchain applications. JavaScript has a significant advantage over other programming languages because every web system uses JavaScript. As a result, developers do not need to worry about integration when using JavaScript and can instead focus on the Blockchain application logic. The Lisk Sidechain Development Kit (SDK) is an example of this, as it allows developers to create, publish, and distribute JavaScript-based Blockchain applications such as eattheblock, embark-framework, etc.

Golang, also known as Go, is an excellent programming language for developing quick and efficient Blockchain systems. It is used for creating hyper-ledger fabric, which is the foundation for developing Blockchain applications. Because Go is a statically typed and compiled programming language, it is ideal for Blockchain development. Other performance-enhancing features include generics, classes, inheritance, constructors, annotations, exceptions, etc. Go is also a simple language that is simple to learn. Limechain is an example of a blockchain project that uses Go.

Ruby is a multi-paradigm language that has excellent memory allocation capabilities. This language’s primary focus is simplicity and productivity, making it developer-friendly and straightforward. It also supports cross-platform development.

Through third-party APIs and plugins, Ruby allows you to frame Blockchain Programming as a developer. It supports a multi-paradigm, meaning developers can create Blockchain Programming on multiple platforms. Peatio, an open-source asset exchange, is an example of a Ruby-based blockchain project.


C# is one of Microsoft’s most popular open-source programming languages. According to Visual Studio Magazine, C# is used by 5 to 8 million developers worldwide. Stratis, NEO, and IOTA are examples of popular Blockchain programming that uses C#. Without the assistance of a developer, C# employs simple Object-Oriented and Extensible Markup Language or methods.

Simplicity is a high-level Blockchain programming language designed for smart contracts. It is one of the choice programming languages for creating smart contracts, suitable for professional and open-source developers. Simplicity is also concerned with reducing the Bitcoin Script’s complexity and low-level understanding. Simplicity is a typed, combinator-based functional language that does not support loops or recursion and is intended for use in cryptocurrency and blockchain applications. It aims to improve on existing crypto-currency languages like Bitcoin Script and Ethereum’s EVM while avoiding some of the issues they face. The Use of Simplicity in Blockchain includes improving existing crypto-currency languages such as Bitcoin Script and Ethereum’s EVM.

Rholang is also a fantastic programming language for creating smart contracts. This language takes a functional rather than an object-oriented approach, which is beneficial in solving many blockchain problems. Rholang applications evaluate and solve the entire program as a series of functions. This is in stark contrast to languages, which use variables to store data and change the value of the variables over time. As a result, Rholang, the most popular Blockchain development language in this category, has a functional programming paradigm rather than an object-oriented one. Rchain is an example of a blockchain project based on Rholang.

To interact with any blockchain platform, you need a programming language. Ethereum uses Solidity, EOS uses C, and RChain uses Rholang. As a result of some of the problems observed with the earlier languages like Java, Solidity, and C, new programs are being designed specifically for blockchains. It should not confuse you about where to start or which to learn. It doesn’t matter which one you learn first; however, you must understand the industry and the projects that interest you. That may guide you in making a choice.

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By akohad

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