Home Crypto Solidity — Gas Optimization

Solidity — Gas Optimization

Solidity — Gas Optimization


Today we’ll go through a couple different scenarios that gas savings can be applied to.

In todays age we need to make sure we’re saving on gas wherever possible!

Inefficient code

The biggest error here is that we are continuously accessing the storage variable. The SLOAD assembly function is one of the most expensive assembly functions right beside CREATE.

Lets make some changes.

By declaring the variable within our function we defined a variable in memory & then called storage to pull the value from x into y, we used y multiple times & then set x as the total.

Neat! A gas saving of 395 gas!

Okay but how can we improve this one even more?

A uint256 can hold (2²⁵⁶)-1 as the highest possible number. This guarantees that we won’t experience a overflow or underflow problem here since our counter will only be incrementing 5 times.

Because we know we won’t experience these problems we can remove the safe math wrapper to make sure we aren’t spending unnecessary gas.

Another saving of 615 gas!

More to come xD

If you found this interesting why not check out this!

Solidity Dev Study Group — https://discord.gg/KzbcGmrnfN

-Polygon Alliance — https://www.polygonalliance.com/

-Polygon Alliance Discord — https://discord.gg/kJKPCGQu66

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