Open-Rocket Policy — StarBurst Program and How You Can Apply

By akohad Nov2,2022


Being a crypto startup is hard, right? No matter what type of project you’re trying to launch successfully, there’s no question that you need all the help you can get. There are just too many steps to go through! And do you know what happens when you miss a single step? Your crypto startup doesn’t progress.

But creating your own coin only takes 5 minutes! You’re absolutely correct, but a lot more goes into building a whole crypto project with a viable use case that gives your token utility. So, not only is it hard to create a startup, it’s hard to launch it successfully.

Why is that? For several reasons, but it all starts with the very reason why you’re creating a crypto project. Many are in it because they want to provide something new to the crypto community, but let’s be realistic — you have to have some kind of profit from it.

You won’t always know what you’re doing or should be doing to get the funds to accelerate your growth. Lucky for you — we do! That’s why we’ve created our StarBurst program and want to tell you more about it.

The crypto market changes fast, so you can never be sure of what the current meta is. That rings true for both projects and cryptocurrencies. With that in mind, taking a project off the ground takes more than just a great idea, and we know that best of all. That’s how StarBurst came to be.

But what is this program really? It’s a meritocratic incentive system designed to promote up-and-coming crypto projects. That simply means the better you perform — the more rewards you get. In fact, the incentives depend on the project’s trading volumes over a period of time.

This is how we want to show our support to viable crypto projects because we know how important it is to enrich the crypto ecosystem. But we also believe that mutual support is imperative. That’s why projects that launch on Dexvers qualify for this incentive system.

You apply and qualify for our program, and we help you and your community grow. Sounds easy, right? It is, but the incentives don’t stop there. All qualified startups get a free listing, so they can join hassle-free and earn from their trading volumes.

Did you know that you can combine StarBurst with our Ambassadors program? We consider this the ultimate way of giving back to the ecosystem and viable crypto startups that have the potential to grow a healthy community.

Of course, our support goes beyond just this meritocratic system. We’ll have our support teams available to all startups listed on Dexvers, providing troubleshooting, advisory, and optional administrative help.

We believe that hard work should always be rewarded, and you’re confident that your trading volumes will be sufficient to help you grow. Do you know what that makes us? A perfect match.

Simply put, we firmly believe that any way of giving back to the crypto community is imperative, and this is how we choose to do it.

So, how can you apply for our StarBurst program, you may wonder? This step is all but difficult. Reach out via our website’s contact form or by emailing us directly at [email protected].

Don’t worry about whether we deem you a viable candidate for our program just yet because we’ll be the judge of that. All you need to think about is the fact that we want to help you in any way that we can. With that said, all applications will be reviewed with utmost objectivity because a healthy growth of the crypto community and solving its problems are our main priorities.

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By akohad

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