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Get your contract compiled using Truffle

Get your contract compiled using Truffle


Before we embark on our Truffle adventure, let’s understand what Truffle is all about. Truffle is an Ethereum development framework that offers a suite of tools and utilities to streamline the process of building smart contracts and dApps. It provides a development environment, testing framework, and deployment pipeline, making it an indispensable tool for Ethereum developers.

There are other framework as well in the industry such as Hardhat, foundry, etc., then why Truffle?

Because Truffle’s simplicity, comprehensive tool suite, large community support, and robust testing capabilities make it the preferred choice for Ethereum blockchain development.

We’ll cover the installation process for Truffle, which includes Node.js and the Ethereum client (such as Ganache or a testnet). Additionally, we’ll explore the Truffle project structure and how to initialize a new project.

We need NVM, Node.js, Truffle, Ganache, Install the following and we are good to go.

Step1: Initiate

Use command to initiate

truffle init

Truffle by default provides few contracts and migration files.

Step2: Compile

You have to save your contracts under contract/ directory.

Once you have done with the contract,

You also have to edit the truffle-config.js for some confuguration changes such as, setting the solidity compiler version, Add the network (localhost, testnet, Mainnet).

It is a Personal Ethereum blockchain which you can use to run tests, execute commands, and inspect state while controlling how the chain operates.

a testnet is an instance of a blockchain powered by the same or a newer version of the underlying software, to be used for testing and experimentation without risk to real funds or the main chain.

Now save the file and to compile, use command

truffle compile

Step3: Test

No development process is complete without testing, and Truffle makes it seamless to write and execute tests for our smart contracts.

You can write your tests under test/ directory. Then use the command

truffle test

Step4: Deploy

Once compiled successfully, edit the migration file add. Just add the following lines (change <your contract> to your contract name):

var contract1 = artifacts.require("./<Your contract>");
module.exports = function(deployer) {

save the file as 1_initial_migration.js So this 1 sets the priority to get compiled. If you have multiple contracts, then it will be useful for you.

Once done, use command

truffle migrate

And ifi you made any changes after deploying the contract, you can re-deploy using command

truffle migrate --reset

With this we have deployed the contact.


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