Home Crypto ChatGPT Solidity Smart Contract

ChatGPT Solidity Smart Contract

ChatGPT Solidity Smart Contract


I have asked ChatGPT about the “ChatGPT Solidity Smart Contract” my intention was to ask ChatGPT to create a smart contract that will call ChatGPT from Solidity smart contract and the answer I got was

A ChatGPT solidity smart contract is a smart contract that uses the GPT-3 natural language processing model to generate responses to given prompts. It allows dApps or applications to integrate GPT-3 functionality and provide users with more engaging and natural conversational experiences.

To create a ChatGPT solidity smart contract, you would first need to import the GPT-3 contract and its associated libraries. Then, you would need to define a function that takes in a prompt as an input and generates a response using the GPT-3 contract.

Here is an example of a ChatGPT solidity smart contract:

pragma solidity ^0.5.0;

import "https://github.com/OpenAI/gpt-3/blob/master/src/GPT3.sol";

contract ChatGPT {
GPT3 public gpt;

constructor() public {
gpt = new GPT3();

function generateResponse(string memory prompt) public view returns (string memory response) {
response = gpt.generate(prompt);
return response;

In this contract, the generateResponse() function uses the GPT-3 contract to generate a response to a given prompt. It takes in a prompt string as an input and passes it to the generate() function of the GPT-3 contract. The function then returns the generated response as a string.

So that was the answer from chatGPT. When I tried to run the above code in Remix — Ethereum IDE I got this error

Error: not found https://github.com/OpenAI/gpt-3/blob/master/src/GPT3.sol

I asked this question around 2 to 3 days after the release of the ChatGPT.

When I asked the same question today I get this answer

It defines ChatGPT and solidity smart contracts separately.

ChatGPT is really a promising product and it’s improving with time as we have already seen in this article. AI is here and in the near future or in a few days we will see more amazing products that use AI and help us in everyday work.

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