Would You Get a Massage During an Office Meeting?

By akohad Dec1,2023


AirAsia CEO criticized for post showing topless massage in meeting.

Ah, Tony Fernandes, the man who turned AirAsia into a household name and amassed a fortune doing so.

He’s not just a CEO; he’s a brand, a personality larger than life.

“According to Forbes, Fernandes is worth $335m (£275m).

However, that marks a significant decline since 2014, when he was worth almost double that, at $650m.”

I bet most of y’all even flew on AirAsia before.

But recently, Tony decided to stir the pot in a way that left many scratching their heads.

He got a massage.

In his office.

During a formal meeting.

And then, as if daring the world to react, he posted it on social media.

Does he not know the power of social media?

Tony Fernandes turned AirAsia, a failing government-linked commercial airline, into a highly successful budget airline public-listed company.

Is he unaware of just how cruel, mocking, unforgiving and poisonous the hoi polloi can be?

Why, Tony, why? Was it a momentary lapse of reason or a calculated risk?

The man is no stranger to the limelight, but this time, he’s caught some fire.

And let’s not forget the social media warriors, armed and ready to unleash their 280-character judgments.

Blasting him about his weight.

Mocking his chubbiness.

Asking why is he so brazen and impolite.

Will the future of work involve awesome massages during meetings?

Insinuating he did it because he can, as the big boss, no one would dare challenge him.

Clearly, people aren’t down with that.

And he subsequently removed the post altogether.

Maybe Tony was just feeling good and wanted to share something light hearted.

Maybe it was indeed a long day and a massage was warranted.

But getting a massage in office is one thing, posting it is another.

I hope the modern workplace will be one of magnificent beauty, aesthetics and relaxation.

Now, let’s get real. Is it ever appropriate to strip down to your waist and get a massage while discussing quarterly reports in front of management?

I mean, sure, we all need a little R&R, but there’s a time and place for everything.

And that place is probably not between the coffee machine and the photocopier, or right in an office.

As the big boss, Tony has a responsibility not just to his shareholders but also to his public image.

He’s the face of the company, and that “face” was half-naked all over LinkedIn.

Where do you draw the line on what to do and not to do in the modern workplace?

Somehow I feel if he got a pedicure, things wouldn’t have blown up the way it did.

It’s not just about him; it’s about setting a precedent.

Imagine if every Joe and Jane in the office started doing the same. Chaos, my friends, utter chaos.

But that could be a good thing too.

It could mean less restrictive and more sociability in the office.

So, would you do it? Would you dare to get a massage half-naked in the office?

Where do we draw the lines between professional and personal in today’s work culture.

Would you get a massage during a virtual meeting?

#ThoughtProvoking #OfficeEtiquette #TonyFernandes #AirAsia #SocialMediaBacklash #CorporateCulture #ToMassageOrNotToMassage #WorkLifeBalance #Professionalism #ImageManagement #CalculatedRisks


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By akohad

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