Home Crypto Was it part of Liver King’s plan all along?

Was it part of Liver King’s plan all along?

Was it part of Liver King’s plan all along?


The 45-year-old, whose real name is Brian Johnson, previously denied any accusations of steroid use, having said on Mark Bell’s Power Project Podcast: “I don’t touch the stuff. I’ve never done the stuff. I’m not going to do the stuff.”
YouTube ‘primal living’ guru Liver King, who built a $100M fitness empire, admits he’s actually on steroids. Shocker.
Andrew Tate, one of the most searched person in 2022, and one of the most controversial person too. Like Liver King, they all thrive on controversies and attention.
What does SBF and Liver King have in common? Surprisingly, they both took drugs to enhance their businesses.


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