The Bizarre Way AGI Could Create a New World Elite

By akohad Dec3,2023


Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) stands as a towering beacon of potential and peril. It’s a concept that dances on the edges of our collective imagination, hinting at a future that is as exhilarating as it is unsettling. AGI, unlike its predecessor AI, is not just about machines learning to play chess or recommend movies. It’s about creating entities that think, understand, and perhaps even feel, on a level that rivals human intelligence. This leap into the unknown could very well redraw the lines of power and privilege, birthing a new world elite.

Imagine a world where AGI entities are the ultimate consultants. They don’t just process data; they understand context, nuance, and the intricate dance of human emotions and motivations. They can strategize, innovate, and solve problems with a finesse that makes our brightest minds seem dim. Now, pause and consider who would have the means to access such god-like intellects. Not the average Joe, for sure.

This scenario paints a picture where the already wide chasm between the haves and have-nots could yawn wider than ever. The elite, with their exclusive AGI allies, would be able to make decisions, shape economies, and influence global politics with an unprecedented level of insight and efficiency. They would be playing chess while the rest of the world is still trying to master checkers.

Photo by Hassan Pasha on Unsplash

It’s a disturbing thought. The idea that a small group of people could wield such immense power simply by virtue of their access to advanced technology stirs a primal fear in us. It’s the fear of being left behind, of being rendered obsolete in a world where the rules of the game have changed overnight. But it’s not just about fear; it’s about fairness.

The emergence of AGI could very well mark a turning point in human history. It’s a development that carries the potential to elevate our species to new heights of understanding and capability. Yet, in the wrong hands, it could also be the tool that cements a new world order, one where opportunity and advancement are the exclusive privileges of a select few.


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By akohad

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