Spot Bitcoin vs. ETF – What’s Best for You?

By akohad Feb20,2024


Spot Bitcoin vs. ETF – What’s Best for You?

In the world of Bitcoin, there’s talk of an ETF,
A mirror of spot, but lacking the zest.
You can’t custody Bitcoin, not truly your own,
Dependent on banks, where trust is sown.

Trading only weekdays, from nine to five,
But Bitcoin’s price moves 24h a day, in a constant drive.
Profits hard to book, as the market swings,
ETF’s limitations, it truly stings.

Trusting the bank, in a trustless land,
A paradox in itself, hard to understand.
White wash rules, post selling’s embrace,
ETF’s complexities, a tangled maze.

Management fees, a burden to bear,
Unlike spot Bitcoin, where upkeep costs are none.
For individuals, what’s the point you see?
ETFs for institutions, not you and me.

Better to educate, to learn and to grow,
In the world of Bitcoin, where treasures flow.
Spot Bitcoin’s glory, unmatched and free,
An ETF’s allure, dim in comparison it be.

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By akohad

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