Home Crypto Mastering Functions in Solidity: A Beginner’s Guide

Mastering Functions in Solidity: A Beginner’s Guide

Mastering Functions in Solidity: A Beginner’s Guide


function functionName(type1 param1, type2 param2, ...) visibility returnType {
// function body

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function calculateSum(uint a, uint b) public returns (uint) {
return a + b;
  • Public functions are the default visibility level in Solidity. They can be called from anywhere. They are often used to define the interface of a contract.
  • Private functions, on the other hand, can only be called from within the contract in which they are defined. They are useful for encapsulating internal implementation details.
  • Internalfunctions have a visibility level that is similar to private, but they can also be called from derived contracts.
function publicFunction() public {
// function body

function privateFunction() private {
// function body

function internalFunction() internal {
// function body

functionName(param1, param2, ...);
uint result = calculateSum(3, 5);
OtherContract contractInstance = new OtherContract();
uint result = contractInstance.calculateSum(3, 5);
function getUserName() public returns (string) {
return "Alice";
function getUserData() public returns (string name, uint age) {
name = "Alice";
age = 25;
return (name, age);


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