Home Crypto Improving Patient Care with Healthcare Smart Contracts

Improving Patient Care with Healthcare Smart Contracts

Improving Patient Care with Healthcare Smart Contracts


Photo by Shubham Dhage on Unsplash

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With a healthcare smart contract, a patient’s EHR could be stored on a blockchain and accessed by authorized healthcare providers with the patient’s permission.

pragma solidity ^0.7.0;

import "https://github.com/OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/math/SafeMath.sol";
import "https://github.com/OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/ownership/Ownable.sol";

contract HealthCare is Ownable {
using SafeMath for uint256;

// Struct to represent a patient's electronic health record
struct PatientRecord {
uint256 id;
string name;
string insuranceProvider;
uint256 insurancePolicyNumber;
string medicalHistory;
string allergies;
string currentMedications;
string testResults;
string diagnoses;
string treatmentPlan;

// Struct to represent an insurance claim
struct InsuranceClaim {
uint256 id;
uint256 patientId;
uint256 providerId;
uint256 amount;
string serviceCode;
bool approved;

// Mapping of patient IDs to PatientRecord structs
mapping(uint256 => PatientRecord) public patientRecords;

// Mapping of insurance claim IDs to InsuranceClaim structs
mapping(uint256 => InsuranceClaim) public insuranceClaims;

// Events for logging
event RecordAdded(uint256 patientId);
event RecordUpdated(uint256 patientId);
event RecordDeleted(uint256 patientId);
event ClaimSubmitted(uint256 claimId);
event ClaimUpdated(uint256 claimId);

// Add a new patient record
function addRecord(
string memory _name,
string memory _insuranceProvider,
uint256 _insurancePolicyNumber,
string memory _medicalHistory,
string memory _allergies,
string memory _currentMedications,
string memory _testResults,
string memory _diagnoses,
string memory _treatmentPlan
) public onlyOwner {
uint256 patientId = patientRecords.length + 1;
patientRecords[patientId] = PatientRecord(
emit RecordAdded(patientId);

// Update an existing patient record
function updateRecord(
uint256 _patientId,
string memory _name,
string memory _insuranceProvider,
uint256 _insurancePolicyNumber,
string memory _medicalHistory,
string memory _allergies,
string memory _currentMedications,
string memory _testResults,
string memory _diagnoses,
string memory _treatmentPlan
) public onlyOwner {
PatientRecord storage record = patientRecords[_patientId];
record.name = _name;
record.insuranceProvider = _insuranceProvider;
record.insurancePolicyNumber = _insurancePolicyNumber;
record.medicalHistory = _medicalHistory;
record.allergies = _allergies;
record.currentMedications = _currentMedications;

function deleteRecord(uint256 _patientId) public onlyOwner {
delete patientRecords[_patientId];
emit RecordDeleted(_patientId);

// Submit an insurance claim
function submitClaim(
uint256 _patientId,
uint256 _providerId,
uint256 _amount,
string memory _serviceCode
) public {
uint256 claimId = insuranceClaims.length + 1;
insuranceClaims[claimId] = InsuranceClaim(
emit ClaimSubmitted(claimId);

// Approve an insurance claim
function approveClaim(uint256 _claimId) public onlyOwner {
InsuranceClaim storage claim = insuranceClaims[_claimId];
claim.approved = true;
emit ClaimUpdated(_claimId);

  • The contract uses the Ownable contract from the OpenZeppelin library to provide basic ownership functionality, including a onlyOwner modifier that can be used to restrict certain functions to be called only by the contract owner.
  • The contract defines two structs: PatientRecord and InsuranceClaim. A struct is a custom data type that allows you to group together related variables.
  • In this case, the PatientRecord struct represents a patient’s electronic health record and includes information such as the patient’s name, insurance provider, and medical history.
  • The InsuranceClaim struct represents an insurance claim and includes information such as the patient and provider IDs, the amount of the claim, and the service code for the services rendered.
  • The contract defines two mappings: patientRecords and insuranceClaims. A mapping type of data structure allows you to store values on the blockchain using a key-value pair. In this case, the patientRecords mapping maps patient IDs to PatientRecord structs, and the insuranceClaims mapping maps insurance claim IDs to InsuranceClaim structs. The public keyword indicates that anyone can read these mappings.
  • The contract defines several events that can be logged on the blockchain. Events are a way to trigger an action (such as sending an email or triggering a front-end notification) when something happens in the contract. In this case, the contract includes events for when a patient record is added, updated, or deleted and when an insurance claim is submitted or updated.
  • The contract defines several functions that can be called to manipulate the data in the contract. The addRecord function allows the contract owner to add a new patient record to the patientRecords mapping. The updateRecord function allows the contract owner to update an existing patient record. The deleteRecord function allows the contract owner to delete a patient record. The submitClaim function allows anyone to submit a new claim to the insuranceClaims mapping. The approveClaim function allows the contract owner to approve an insurance claim.

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