How I Got My First Blockchain Job

By akohad Nov15,2022


The non-technical story about adjusting to the standards of the new industry.

Photo by Dylan Calluy on Unsplash

Now I’m a blockchain developer who has worked in several startups, has extensive experience working with different blockchains and technologies in the blockchain, who knows many nuances about cryptocurrencies and has met many famous individuals from the blockchain industry.

But about two years ago I knew only hearsay about the blockchain and was just starting my journey. Looking back now on this path, I can say that it was a very difficult path with a lot of challenges and obstacles, but I received tremendous experience and vast knowledge in this area. I will try to describe in more detail how I found my first job and how I decided to become a blockchain developer.

It was the year of 2019; I was still fascinated by the development of mobile applications and was just beginning to trade cryptocurrencies and make short reviews on them in my telegram channel. Trading for me was one of those things that forced me to get out of bed from five o’clock in the morning, which had never happened so often before.

For more than a month I was engaged in trading, I studied a lot of documents and books about trading, about market analysis, about charting and using indexes, I learned a lot, and at the same time I studied all these cryptocurrencies, I looked at their features, methods of application and technologies behind them.

But trading began to become boring for me, I had to think about something more global and useful.

Two months later, as I began to get involved in trading, I came to the conclusion that I want to have a greater impact on the cryptocurrency market and my contribution should be much more than just trading and making money.

Since before that I was engaged in programming and studied a lot of mathematics and participated in mathematics competitions, I decided that it would be right to start studying the blockchain as a developer.

So, I began to study the blockchain structure, smart contracts, technologies that allow speeding up transactions and adjusting to existing blockchains, it was all so new and so interesting. But I also decided to post my CV and try to understand what is interesting for employers and what they want.

This solution turned out to be very excellent. A few days later I received a call for the first interview. And it showed me not only what employers want, but what I myself do not want and where I should not go to work.

But first things first. I had only three days before the interview, but I still did not know anything and did not even begin to prepare. The next three days of my life were very rich in blockchain, and I learned so much of everything new and even managed to write a simple blockchain, several smart contracts and even a simple service that worked with smart contracts.

It was so great that I had so little time, otherwise, I would spend much more time on it. And after three days at 10 am I was already in the office of one of the large corporations, who decided to start using the blockchain.

The interview was conducted by a person who assembled a team for a new department which would only deal with the blockchain.

Our conversation took about 30 minutes, I answered most of his questions, but then he asked me if I didn’t know about the other blockchains and their structure, although this was not mentioned in the requirements, and these blockchains were not so well known. Of course, I said no, and they eventually refused me, in general, I expected this.

But here the most important thing happened in my career as a blockchain developer, in my opinion, I realized that I would not want to work in a large corporation and that I needed something freer. This is a random interview that wouldn’t have happened if I hadn’t posted my resume just to look at employers, it changed my future.

After returning from an interview, I built a study plan for myself, started reading many articles and technical documents about different blockchains and cryptography, started looking at the code of these blockchains and applications running on these blockchains, began to learn smart contracts and studied the cryptocurrency market, its behavior, reasons price changes, trading volumes and more.

I spent about two months studying blockchain, improving my knowledge of developing applications and smart contracts, and I started going to various meetups and conferences. And one of these meetups changed my life.

I sat in a huge hall, where people told something interesting about the blockchain, someone about their projects, someone about the features of different technologies, someone told the nuances of working in the blockchain.

Most of what these people told I already knew, so I was more interested in the people themselves and their projects. There I met a man who, with his small team, was engaged in integrating the blockchain into a real business and developing smart contracts.

And I thought that it would be interesting for me to work with them, gain experience and try my hand, I was ready to work even for free. After talking with him, we came to the conclusion that they would give me a test task to develop a service for which I would receive several weeks and if everything goes well, I will already work with them.

Well, that’s the most interesting part of this story. Two weeks later I finished doing most of the task assigned to me and began to wait for an answer.

A week later I received an answer and already started working with a new team. Of course, they trusted me very little, but it was logical, but I still participated in each project.

There I learned how to do an audit of smart contracts, I began to apply interesting technological solutions that I hadn’t known or heard about before. It was very exciting, especially considering that it was my first job and my first team.

Unfortunately, I did not manage to work there for a long time, after a few months I had to leave. But these few months turned out to be the most useful in terms of the knowledge I gained and in terms of experience. With further work in other startups, this knowledge has been useful to me many times and helped me in different situations.


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By akohad

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