How Emveep Helped TICMIEDU to Built Their Online Learning Platform

By akohad Sep21,2023


Online Learning Platform
Online learning platform

TICMIEDU is an online learning platform that provides various courses and workshops on capital market, finance, and employee education. It is an innovation of The Indonesia Capital Market Institute (TICMI), a professional training institution founded by the Association of Indonesian Capital Market Education (P3MI).

TICMIEDU wanted to improve its user experience and engagement by adding more features and functionalities to its platform. They also wanted to increase their visibility and business opportunities by offering customized solutions for corporate clients.

Some of the challenges they faced were:

  • How to enable users to download a certificate after completing a course?
  • How to provide more learning options for users, such as watching videos, reading e-books, and listening to audio?
  • How to manage the company’s data and operations more efficiently and securely?
  • How to facilitate in-course attendance and scheduling for users and instructors?

TICMIEDU partnered with Emveep, a software development company that specializes in web and mobile applications. Emveep helped TICMIEDU to design and develop a feature-rich and user-friendly platform that met their needs and expectations.

Some of the features that Emveep developed for Ticmiedu were:

  • Feature to download a certificate after taking a course: Users can easily access and download their certificates from their profile page after completing a course. The certificates are also verified by TICMI and can be used as proof of competency in the capital market field.
  • Features for users to be able to watch learning videos read e-books, and listen to learning audio: Users can choose from various learning formats and media that suit their preferences and learning styles. They can also access the content offline by downloading it to their devices.
  • Company management features: Users can manage their company’s data, such as courses, instructors, users, etc., through a secure and intuitive dashboard.
  • In-course attendance and scheduling features: Users and instructors can easily check their attendance status and schedule for each course. They can also receive notifications and reminders about upcoming sessions and deadlines.

By working with Emveep, TICMIEDU was able to enhance its online learning platform with innovative features that improved user experience and engagement. They were also able to boost their visibility and business opportunities by offering customized solutions for corporate clients.

Some of the results that TICMIEDU achieved were:

  • Increased user satisfaction and retention: Users reported that they enjoyed the new features and functionalities that made their learning process more convenient and flexible. They also appreciated the certificate feature that recognized their achievements and skills.
  • Increased user acquisition and revenue: TICMIEDU attracted more users who were interested in learning about the capital market, finance, and employee education. They also generated more revenue from their courses, workshops, and corporate services.
  • Increased brand awareness and reputation: TICMIEDU established itself as a leading online learning platform in Indonesia that provides high-quality and professional courses and workshops on capital markets, finance, and employee education.

TICMIEDU is an example of how Emveep can help online learning platforms to enhance their features and functionalities to provide better user experience and engagement. Emveep has the expertise and experience in developing web and mobile applications that meet the needs and expectations of various clients.

If you are looking for a software development partner that can help you create or improve your online learning platform, contact Emveep today. We will be happy to discuss your project.


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By akohad

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