ETH Advance Smart Contract Hacking for web3 in 2023

By akohad Feb6,2023


  • contracts only run if they are called by a transaction. All smart contracts in Ethereum are executed, ultimately, because of a transaction initiated from an EOA.
  • A transaction to a contract address destination will execute the contract in EVM and will call the function named in the data payload of your transaction, if there is no data in your transaction then EVM will call a fallback function and if that function is payable, will execute it to determine what to do next. if no fallback function or non-payable fallback function, transaction will be reverted.
  • A function selector : The first 4 bytes of the Keccak-256 hash of the function’s prototype. This allows the contract to unambiguously identify which function you wish to invoke.

The function arguments

  • In DollarFactory smart contract example, we defined a function for withdrawals: function withdraw(uint _amount) public {}
  • The prototype of a function is defined as the string containing the name of function, followed by data types of each of its arguments, enclosed in parentheses as separated by commas. The function name here is withdraw and it takes a single argument what is a uint (which is an alias for uint256), so the prototype of withdraw would be: withdraw(uint)256
  • To calculate the Keccak-256 hash of this string in parity;

Multisignature Transfer:

  • transfer ether to a multisig contract
  • want to send funds to another account
  • all the required users will need to send transactions to contract using a regular wallet app, authorizing contract to perform final transaction.





  • Solidity compiler, solc, which converts programs written in the Solidity language to EVM bytecode. The project also manages the important application binary interface (ABI) standard for Ethereum smart contracts
  • To install Solidity solc, we will add using Linux Packages: Solidity have PPAs for Ubuntu, use below commands to install:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ethereum/ethereum
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install solc

//you can also install solidity using npm:
npm install -g solc

solc --version

Compiling with the Solidity Compiler (solc)

solc --optimize --bin DollarFactory.sol

The Ethereum Contract ABI:

solc --abi DollarFactory.sol

Data Types in Solidity Programming:

  • Boolean (bool) : true or false, with logical operators; ! (not), && (and), || (or), == (equal), ≠ (not equal).
  • Integer ( int, uint) : signed (int), unsigned (uint), declared in steps of 8 bits of increments from int8 to uint256, without size suffix, 256-bit are used
  • Fixed point (fixed, ufixed) : fixed / ufixed ; Signed and unsigned fixed point number of various sizes. Keywords ufixedMxN and fixedMxN, where Mrepresents the number of bits taken by the type and Nrepresents how many decimal points are available. Its a fancy way of floating point in solidity. Fixed point numbers are not fully supported by solidiy as per version 0.8.18. They can be declared but cannot be assigned to or from.
  • Address (address payable, address) : address payable is an address you can send Ether to with additional members transfer, balance and send, while you are not supposed to send Ether to a plain address as it might be a smart contract.
  • Fixed-size byte arrays : The value types bytes1, bytes2, bytes3, …, bytes32hold a sequence of bytes from one to up to 32.
  • dynamically-sized byte array : can be bytes or string dynamically assigned
  • Enums : user-defined type, convertible to and from all integer types, require at least one member, cannot have more than 256 member; enum NAME { LABEL1, LABEL2, …}
  • Function Types: internal and external functions, internal functions only inside current contract, external functions consist of address and function signature, can be passed via and returned from external function calls function (<parameter types>) {internal|external} [pure|view|payable] [returns (<return types>)]
  • Data Location: memory, storage, calldata
  • Structs : use to define new types in the form of structs
  • Ether Units : wei, gwei, ether ; finnery and szabo removed in version 0.7.0
  • Time Units : seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks ; years removed in version 0.5.0, cannot be applied to variables

Control Structures:

  • if, else, while, do, for, break, continue, return
  • Error handling : Assert, Require, Revert, Exceptions
event Withdrawal(address indexed to, uint amount);
event Deposit(address indexed from, uint amount);
function withdraw(uint _amount) public {
emit withdraw(msg.sender, _amount);
receive () external payable {
emit Deposit(msg.sender, msg.value);

Gas Considerations:

  • avoid dynamically sized arrays
  • avoid calling other contract without knowing gas cost of their functions,
  • avoid using library not well tested and broadly used

Security Best Practices

  • Minimalism / simplicity : the simpler the code, the lower the chances are of a bug.
  • code reuse : Try not to reinvent the wheel, don’t repeat yourself
  • code quality : once launched, there’s little to fix any problem
  • Readablility / auditability : the easier it is to read, the easier it is to audit.
  • Test Coverage : test everything that you can

Smart Contract Security Risk and Antipatterns: Be familiar with most common security risks

Reentrancy :

Arithmetic Over / Underflows :

Unexpected Ether :


Default Visibilities:

Entropy Illusion :

External contract Referencing :

Short address / parameter attack :

Unchecked CALL Return Values :

Race Conditions / Front Running :

Denial of Service (DOS) :

  • Looping through externally manipulated mappings or arrays : contracts should not loop through data structures that can be artificially manipulated by external users
  • Owner operations : a privileged user was required to change the state of the contract. In such examples a failsafe can be used in the event that the owner becomes incapacitated, make the owner a multisig contract, use a time-lock,
  • Progressing state based on external calls
  • GovernMental 1100 ether after 2.5M gas :

Block Timestamp Manipulation :

Constructors with care :

Uninitialized storage pointers :

Tx.origin authetication :

  • travel the entire call stack, contain the address of the account that originally sent the call or transaction and use it for authentication.
  • vulnerable to phising attack
  • prevention : shouldn’t use for authorization, can be use to prevent intermediate contracts to call and only limit contract to regular codeless addresses

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By akohad

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