Cryptocurrency Networks and Testnets, Part 2

By akohad Jan2,2024


Layer 2 Testnets: Layer 2’s are off-chain scaling solutions meant to reduce congestion on the mainnet, Layer 1. Layer 2 testnets are testnets that allow the user to run smart contracts or transactions on Layer 2’s, giving them an idea of how such an instruction would run. These testnets, as mentioned in Part 1, do not influence the actual blockchain, allowing users to freely explore the blockchain and its capabilities. Some examples of Layer 2 testnets include Arbitrum Goerli, Optimistic Goerli, and Starknet Goerli. These are specific to Ethereum.

Private networks are nodes that are not connected to the mainnet or testnets, meaning that they are isolated.

Development Networks: Like on a testnet, a developer can run their application on a private network before running it on the actual mainnet. However, there are some benefits to running applications on Development Networks compared to testnets:

  • Development Networks don’t require a user to have ETH to run their applications
  • These networks are faster than testnets because they are local blockchain environments rather than using a shared blockchain as testnets do.

There are a number of different tools and applications that help create Development Networks. Some include the following:

  • Ganache: Allows the user to create their own Ethereum blockchain, which is used specifically for running tests and executing commands
  • Hardhat: Another Ethereum blockchain that, compared to Ganache, is used for developing smart contract

If you want to learn more, check out the links below:

Development Networks


Test Networks

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By akohad

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