I think everyone who chooses to write an article on Medium does it out of passion but also for the gain from this platform.
Although I haven’t found a magic recipe to increase your income from writing articles I have noticed a few things that might help you.
I can say that all these opinions have been observed and noted in the last two years, during which time I have written about 3300 articles.
1. Content
Content should be useful to a wide range of people. Whether it is a story from the person’s life that will attract people who want to relax by reading funny articles, whether it is different tips or simply articles like these through which I try to help you increase your income the important thing is that every person who reads leaves with something in mind.
Besides, the article doesn’t have to be very long, because people nowadays don’t have the time nor the patience to get lost in too many details.
In addition, the article must be original and not use artificial intelligence.
Medium detects content written with AI and the amount you will earn will be very small or even zero even though the article can be a very good one.
2. Title
I have read many articles from people like How to Earn 1000$ on Medium and then in the description they tell how they earned their first 0.7$.
It’s clear that such a writer I will never enter again.
Every time I decided to tell how much I earned on Medium it was with clear pictures proving the veracity of this information.
Perhaps this has helped me reach about 7k followers and a monthly income over $100 on Medium
The bottom line is to choose the right headline that matches the information you offer.
3. Tags
Before posting an article you should choose certain tags where your article will be promoted.
Choose 5 tags that represent this article but preferably…
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