When you’re softhearted, but have the rudest mouth

By akohad Mar29,2023


When You’ve Got a Heart of Gold and a Mouth of Steel

Have you ever met someone who seems to be a walking contradiction? You know, the kind of person who is so soft-hearted they practically bleed empathy, but their mouth could put a sailor to shame? If you have, then you’ve met a Softie Mouth.

Softie Mouths are a unique breed of people who seem to have mastered the art of being both incredibly kind and ruthlessly blunt at the same time. They’re the ones who will cry at the sight of a puppy being adopted but will also tell you exactly what they think of your new haircut (spoiler alert: it’s not good).

So, what kind of person is a Softie Mouth? Well, they’re usually the ones who have been through some tough times in their lives, and their rough exterior is just a coping mechanism to protect their kind hearts. They’ve learned that being vulnerable and open can lead to getting hurt, so they use their sharp tongues as a defense mechanism.

But despite their tough exterior, Softie Mouths are some of the most caring and empathetic people you’ll ever meet. They’re the ones who will drop everything to help a friend in need, even if they have to tell them some hard truths along the way.

One real-life example of a Softie Mouth is my friend Sarah. Sarah is the kind of person who will go out of her way to make sure everyone feels included and loved. She’s always the first to offer a shoulder to cry on and will listen to you rant for hours on end.

However, Sarah also has a mouth that could make a sailor blush. She has no problem telling you exactly what she thinks, even if it’s not what you want to hear. And while her words may sting at first, you know deep down that she’s only saying them because she cares.

One time, Sarah and I were at a party, and I was telling her about a guy I had just started seeing. I was gushing about how great he was, but Sarah cut me off mid-sentence and said, “He sounds like a total tool. You could do way better.” I was taken aback at first, but then I realized that Sarah was right. The guy was a tool, and I needed to hear that from someone who cared enough to tell me the truth.

Softie Mouths often struggle with finding a balance between their soft heart and their sharp tongue. They want to be there for their loved ones, but they also don’t want to sugarcoat anything. It’s a fine line to walk, and sometimes they may come off as insensitive or rude when they don’t mean to be.

One thing to keep in mind is that Softie Mouths are not trying to hurt anyone with their words. They’re simply trying to be honest and upfront. They know that sometimes the truth hurts, but they also believe that it’s better to be honest than to be fake.

Another real-life example of a Softie Mouth is my Aunt Becky. She’s the kind of person who will bake you a pie and then tell you that your hair looks terrible. But you know what? That’s just Aunt Becky. She loves you fiercely, and she wants you to know the truth, even if it hurts.

Softie Mouths can also be incredibly funny and entertaining. They have a way with words that can leave you in stitches, even if they’re telling you off. They’re not afraid to speak their minds and call it like they see it, and that can lead to some hilarious moments.

In conclusion, Softie Mouths may seem like a walking contradiction, but they’re actually some of the most complex and caring people you’ll ever meet. They’ve learned to use their sharp tongues as a way to protect their soft hearts, but deep down, they just want to help and love those around them. So, if you ever meet a Softie Mouth, don’t be afraid of their words. Instead, embrace them and know that they’re only saying them because they care.

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By akohad

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