Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency; The road to financial FREEDOM

By akohad Feb21,2023


The traditional fiat system has been the cornerstone of our global financial infrastructure for a while now, providing a framework for commerce and trade which in turn has enabled unprecedented economic growth and prosperity since its global adoption. As we have come to see recently however, this system is not without its flaws and limitations. Moving into an increasingly digital age, it is becoming increasingly clear that we need to find new and innovative ways to break away from the constraints of this system.

One solution that is gaining increasing attention is cryptocurrency, a decentralised digital asset that operates independently of government or financial institutions. By leveraging blockchain technology, Bitcoin, the first and largest cryptocurrency by market capitalisation offers the potential to create a financial system that is more secure, transparent, and accessible to all, another benefit of this system is that it also enables greater financial freedom and decentralisation.

So, what exactly is financial freedom, and why is it so important? Financial freedom can simply be described as the ability to make decisions about how to spend and invest your money without being challenged or constrained by external factors such as economic conditions, inflation, or government policies. It is the ability to take control of your financial future and create a life that aligns with your values and priorities.

When it comes to financial freedom, Unfortunately the traditional fiat system often falls short. Government policies and economic conditions have significant impacts on the value of fiat currency and the purchasing power of individuals. This makes it difficult for people to make plans for their future financially or build wealth. In addition, due to the centralised nature of the fiat financial system, access to financial services is often restricted from the people, particularly for those who are underbanked or unbanked.

This is why Bitcoin is required because by leveraging blockchain technology, it offers a decentralised and transparent system that is capable of operating independently of governments, central banks and other institutions. This means that people can take control of their future financially without having to answer to external factors.

Cryptocurrency transactions are based on a process known as consensus, whereby multiple transactions are verified on a decentralised platform. This eliminates the need for third-party intervention and increases the accuracy and security of each transaction. Additionally, they offer much cheaper transaction fees than traditional currencies, as well as greater anonymity for users.

Some of the advantages of cryptocurrency over traditional fiat systems.

Just like fiat, Bitcoin can be used to purchase goods and services, they can also be exchanged for other forms of money. It also has numerous capabilities and advantages that puts it above fiat.

  • The networks have a finite supply which means it is capped, unlike fiat currency which can be devalued due to inflation, bad policies and excessive printing of money by the feds.
  • The networks are global and facilitate quick and secure transfers of funds without the need for a middle man or third-party intermediaries.
  • Users have complete control over their funds due to the AES encrypted nature of cryptocurrency, giving them more autonomy compared to when using fiat currency.
  • It also allows for anonymous transactions which cannot be traced or taxed by the government.
  • They are not subject to interference from the government therefore they can provide more stability than traditional currencies.
  • Crypto networks are built on blockchain technology which is an immutable form of distributed ledger technology that uses timestamps to record every transaction in a secured and tamper-proof way.

Cryptocurrency also offers greater accessibility and inclusivity for all participants. Unlike the traditional financial system, which often requires individuals to have a bank account or credit history, Bitcoin can be used by anyone and everyone with a smartphone and an internet connection. This means that it has the potential to bring financial services to the underbanked and unbanked masses, enabling greater economic participation and empowerment.

Governments have been attempting to control and regulate cryptocurrency, but the decentralised and secure nature of this digital asset class makes it difficult to enforce regulations. Furthermore, governments lack a global regulatory framework for regulating cryptocurrency and thus have limited ability to impose taxes on users.

Personally I think it is vital for Bitcoin owners to stop government interference in the market as it could lead to unnecessary restrictions and hinder innovation. Also, the networks are based on decentralisation and security, allowing users to stay anonymous during transactions and have full control of their funds. Thus, it is important that this remains unchanged and un-tampered to maintain its integrity and maximise the advantages they offer users.

Despite these fruitless attempts by the government, Bitcoin remains secure and immutable and offers more privacy than traditional currencies partly because the networks are designed in such a way that individual users have complete control over their funds thereby making them less vulnerable to fraud and theft.

While most people who own Bitcoin may not want any form of regulations, it is important to understand that the government is still capable of interfering in the market and dictating certain rules. As users, we can still take steps to protect our funds from undue interference by keeping our private keys safe, opting for cold storage and staying up-to-date on government regulations.

Of course, cryptocurrency is not without its challenges and risks. Its decentralised nature means that it can be extremely volatile and susceptible to market fluctuations, also there is a potential for misuse. As its technology and infrastructure continue to develop however, the risks can be substantially mitigated, and the benefits of cryptocurrency can be fully realised.

In conclusion, financial freedom and decentralisation are crucial for creating a more equitable and just financial system. By embracing cryptocurrency, we can break away from the constraints of the traditional fiat system and create a global financial system that is more transparent, accessible, and empowering for all. Additionally, users should seek for more favourable regulations as this will ensure that cryptocurrency and its networks remain secure and reliable. Use decentralised exchanges which are less likely to be affected by government regulations.

Finally, we can put in more efforts to ensure that cryptocurrency attains a wider adoption by supporting industries, institutions and organisations that practice and push for the inclusion of cryptocurrency as a global legal tender. Also, by encouraging and Supporting legitimate and hardworking builders and developers in the space, we can create a suitable atmosphere for growth and accomplish more. We should consider lobbying for a more favourable approach and regulation that neither defies nor undermines the ethos of decentralisation and cryptocurrency. The road ahead may be challenging, but the benefits of this new system greatly outweighs any initial inconvenience. Now is about the best time to delve in and explore this exciting and innovative solution capable of altering the concept of global finance in the near future for the better.

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By akohad

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